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HEllo, I'm
Eyad Nicola Daher

Web Developer / Frontend - Backend


  • Name: Eyad Nicola Daher
  • Email: info@eyaddaher.com
  • Phone: (30) - 690-7720273 (Only Whatsapp + Viber)
  • Date of birth: 10 December 1971
  • Address: Argiroupouli Flemingk 45 - 16451 - Athens Greece.
  • Nationality: Syrian

Professional Profile

Experienced Web Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in PHP, Mysql, HTML5, css, scss, Javascript, python, wordpress, Computer Repair, Microsoft Office and Software Installation. in addition photoshop and illustrator

Download resume as PDF format Eyad Daher


Just My Awesome Skills

PHP Developer

Expert, 15 years


Expert, 15 years


Expert, 15 years


Advanced, 10 years


Junior, 1 year


Advanced, 2 years

Linux Ubuntu

Advanced, 10 years


Advanced, 15 years


  • Google Analythics & SEO
  • Instal and Configure
  • E-commerce Platform
  • Symfony
  • Photoshop
  • illustrator
  • Video Editing
  • Photos Retouching

Language Skills

Arabic Native
English Advanced
Greek Basic


More than 20 Years Experience!

Eyad N. Daher web development


2024 - till now
Build web applications in addition to develope the previous made applications. in addition to style all the previous Apps to be responsive design.
Bios - ECHN, Greece

Web Developer

2019 - till now
Build web applications in addition to develope the previous made applications. in addition to style all the previous Apps to be responsive design.
Daher Office, Syria

Web Developer

2005 - 2019
Build a customising php website for my clients in addition IT services as network installation and server configuration and also fixing computer in both hardware and software and recovering lost data.
United Group, Syria

Web Developer

2005 - 2009
Build all the website and application related to the group some in customising php and some using open source CMS like Joomla or Wordpress


Just My Education

Web Design

Responsive Design

representing approximately 300 hours of coursework.
I built the following projects and got all automated test suites to pass:
  • Build a Tribute Page
  • Build a Survey Form
  • Build a Product Landing Page
  • Build a Technical Documentation Page
  • Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage

Data Structures

representing approximately 300 hours of coursework.
I built the following projects and got all automated test suites to pass:
  • Palindrome Checker
  • Roman Numeral Converter
  • Caesars Cipher
  • Telephone Number Validator
  • Cash Register
Web Developer

Front End

representing approximately 300 hours of coursework.
I built the following projects and got all automated test suites to pass:
  • Build a Random Quote Machine
  • Build a Markdown Previewer
  • Build a Drum Machine
  • Build a JavaScript Calculator
  • Build a 25 + 5 Clock
Web Developer

Data Visualization

representing approximately 300 hours of coursework.
I built the following projects and got all automated test suites to pass:
  • Visualize Data with a Bar Chart
  • Visualize Data with a Scatterplot Graph
  • Visualize Data with a Heat Map
  • Visualize Data with a Choropleth Map
  • Visualize Data with a Treemap Diagram


a variety of projects and services


a variety of Tools

Password Generator


Let's Keep In Touch

Eyad Nicola Daher
Argiroupouli Flemingk 45 - 16451,
Athens Greece.
+30-6907720273 (Only Whatsapp + Viber)

I'm also on Social Networks